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« HPV and Oral Cancer | Main | Repetitive Stress On Dental Restorations »

May 13, 2010


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Tom Bentley

Rick, I have an osteopath who is my must trusted medical man, because of his unerring discernment in diagnosing and treating, but just as much so for his listening abilities. He is very attuned to the whole of a patient, the things unspoken, the meta-language, as well as the specific pathologies. And he's a bit of a Renaissance man as well, with broad interests and curiosities. Very unlike many physicians I've experienced, and one of the reasons I've seen him for my various aliments over many years.

Human connection (and giant aspirins, when needed) indeed...

Angela Lussier

Rick, I love that you brought this topic up in such a poetic way - thanking the people who get the importance of human connection, while reminding people that this isn't happening everywhere. I hear what you're saying, and I'm trying to create a corporate program that I can use to bring back the human connection, the need for people to be human at work and bring their essence to what they do, not trap it in a box all day and have their soul sucked out of them from 9-5! Onward!

Rick Wilson DMD

Angela, that particular project is important work indeed. Please continue with it! Ship!

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