Commentors Jane and Robin on my post:
-were likely referring to differential wear of the lower front teeth. The top edges of these teeth show very readily in most people when they speak and smile. Thus, if the enamel has all worn off, the effects of that wear are seen often and blatantly.
The main effect is one of darker color, as the inner dentin of the tooth is not only naturally darker, but more prone to stain than the enamel. There are also contour issues since these teeth get all flattened on their tops.
Like this:
Bleaching, or whitening, doesn't completely remove this dentin stain. Veneers are an excellent esthetic solution, but are costly and lower front teeth are inherently very small and under great stress on their upper edges- not the ideal indication for porcelain veneers.
It is far, far better to align one's teeth when relatively young and then retain them. It is also best for those who grind their teeth excessively to wear a night guard appliance or to wear orthodontic retainers with an anti-grinding mechahnism built in.
if whitening or bleaching fails the next best option would have been veneers, but as you said the stress on the upper end is a problem as well. good that if one got bruxism making use of dental gaurds or orthodontic retainers.
Posted by: Eric | Dental Filling | December 14, 2011 at 04:04 AM
Thanks! There are other remedies for teeth stains aside from bleaching. I think it would be better if you consult your preferred dentist for better advice for the type of teeth you have. :)
Posted by: Harry Bronson | December 14, 2011 at 09:42 AM
The link provides more information over there.This is more helpful.
Posted by: memphis dental | February 11, 2012 at 08:53 AM
I never imagined stained lower teeth could be that troublesome. With veneers out of the question, I have to wonder what other solutions are available if bleaching doesn't work.
Posted by: dentist Essendon teeth filling | May 24, 2012 at 11:56 PM
It's good to know there are a lot of options to get rid of those stains. I guess it all boils down to what you can afford.
Posted by: cheap orthodontics | July 17, 2012 at 11:32 PM
Due to a myriad of factors, the discoloration of teeth has become a somewhat common problem when it comes to oral health. When using a bleaching agent, make sure that it is approved by the FDA prior to application. It would be much safer and more effective to consult your dentist before you try teeth-whitening products, as some may have adverse effects, depending on your case.
Posted by: Williams Schermer | September 20, 2012 at 04:41 PM
I would wipe her teeth with a washcloth to keep them clean. Since she turned 1, I have been attempting to use a toothbrush.
Posted by: removing wisdom teeth | November 21, 2012 at 01:10 AM
So glad to hear that and thank you very much for such good share!
Posted by: Jackie Lee | June 16, 2019 at 09:57 PM